Try Improfy free for 14 days!

Increase profitability and growth with AI and your own coach.

You get all of this completely free when you try Improfy together with a coach with experience from McKinsey, EY or Deloitte.

Strategic Workshop

In a workshop with management, employees and customers, you map the company’s current situation and formulate future plans. Together, you create a clear strategic direction that drives the company forward. Employees and customers contribute valuable insights and ideas for the company’s development.

Growth program

You get a clear roadmap that shows which goals your company can achieve within three years. The plan includes a tailored strategy and concrete actions that ensure you get there. All measures are linked directly to your financial program, which results in an updated income statement that reflects the company’s growth potential.

Implement Actions

After the ”try for free” period, you will have the opportunity to continue using Improfy’s program to ensure that no valuable actions fall through the cracks. Management and employees receive regular status reports that clearly show progress, and your coach ensures that the work follows the plan and that the goals are achieved,

Book a meeting and we’ll tell you more about our offer ”Try Improfy free for 14 days”, words. price SEK 8,950 for 6 months.

Coaches with experience from well-known consulting agencies help you use the program & increase profitability

Tobias Pernvik

Former business consultant
Ernst & Young

Chandni Kundand

Former business consultant

Björn Schwartz

Former business consultant
McKinsey & Bain

Linda Hammarstand

Success coach

Thanks to the latest AI technology, the program is neat and easy to use

Management workshop

Growth program

Status reports

Customers love working with Improfy

Gustav Engström


”We didn’t have an elaborate structure, most people cut in where it was needed. With Improfy’s program, we set a vision, strategy and received feedback from employees and customers. I recommend Improfy’s program.”

Per Davidson


”Improfy’s program has helped us a lot. I strongly recommend that you contact Improfy to formulate your vision together with them and arrive at the right strategy and measures to increase profitability.”

Patrik Robertsson


“We realized how unstructured and careless we were in taking care of ourselves and our staff. We needed to do something to structure ourselves and were given the opportunity to use Improfy’s program, which I highly recommend.”

Let Improfy help you manage the company and increase profitability

Our consultants help smaller businesses achieve their goals and visions to increase profitability at reasonable prices, using the latest AI technology.